Length unit

Units of volume

Unit weight

Units square

  • Length unit

  • 1 mile = 7 miles = 7,4676 km
  • 1 verst = 500 length = 1,0668 km
  • 1 sazhen = 3 yards = 7 feet = 2,1336 m
  • 1 Arshin = 16 verscom = 28 inches = 0,7112 m
  • 1 inch = 1.75 inches = 44,45 mm
  • 1 foot = 12 inches = 0.3048 m
  • 1 inch = 10 lines = 25.4 mm
  • 1 line = 10 points = 2.54 mm
  • 1 point = 1/1200 feet
  • Units of volume
  • 1 barrel = 40 buckets = 491,96 l
  • 1 bucket = 4 quarters = 10 bottles = 12,299 l
  • 1 quarter = 2.5 bottle = 5 vodka bottles = 3,0748 l
  • 1 bottle (mug) = 2 vodka bottles = 10 bar = 1,2299 l
  • 1 wine bottle = 1/16 buckets = 0,7687 l
  • 1 vodka or beer bottle = 1/20 buckets = 5 cups = of 0.615 l
  • 1 Cup = 1/100 buckets = 2 dram = 122,99 ml
  • 1 scalic = 1/200 buckets = 61,5 ml
  • 1 English barrel = 4.5 bushel = 163,65 l
  • 1 us barrel = 31.5 and US gallons = 119,2 l
  • Unit weight
  • 1 barrel = 40 buckets = 491,96 l
  • 1 berkovec = 10 poods = 1,63805 C
  • 1 pood = 40 pounds = 16,3805 kg
  • 1 pound = 32 lots = 96 zolotniks = 409,51241 g
  • 1 lot = 3 spools = 12,797 g
  • 1 spool = 96 shares = 4,266 photo
  • 1 share = 44,43 mg
  • Units square
  • 1 square mile = 250 000 sq yards = 1,1381 sq km
  • 1 square tithing = 2400 square sazhens = 1,0925 ha
  • 1 square meter = 9 square yards = 49 square feet = 4,5522 square meters
  • 1 square yard = 256 square verscom = 784 square inches = 0,0929 square meters
  • 1 square inch = 100 square lines = 6,4516 sq cm
in the U.S. the standard barrel for liquids equal to 31.5 us gallons, i.e: 1 us barrel = 31.5 and US gallons = 119,2 liters = 1/2 hogshead. However, when measuring the volume of beer (because of tax limitations) in the United States used, the so-called, standard beer barrel, which is 31 US gallons (117,3 liters). Also in USA is the unit called "dry barrel", which is equal to 105 dry quarts (115,6 litres). Interestingly, for most common sense of the barrel (namely oil) has a special measure, different from all the listed